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ArteUrbano...? La ciudad como escenario

  • Centro de Arte Tomás y Valiente Calle de Leganés, 51, 28945 Fuenlabrada, Madrid Madrid España (map)
Arte Urbano...? La ciudad como escenario show madrid 2020 kenor

Kenor participates to Arte Urbano…? a group exhibition curated by Suso33.

Fuenlabrada cultural center CEART is hosting from February 20th until July 26th the exhibition ‘Arte Urbano…?’, the first retrospective regarding Spanish urban art in the last 10 years, from the perspective of the artists theirselves .

Kenor Arte Urbano...? La ciudad como escenario show madrid 2020 kenor
kenor  Arte Urbano...? kenor madrid 2020

It has the participation of a large number of artists together with Kenor, including Felipe Pantone, Nuria Mora, Aryz, Sixe Paredes, El Pez, Zosen, Remed and more. The exhibition, which is the result of collaboration between the Tomás y Valiente Art Center in Fuenlabrada (CEART) and the artist SUSO33, features works by around a hundred urban artists from our country.

Kenor Arte Urbano...? La ciudad como escenario show madrid 2020 kenor

Starting from the selection of a small group of close artists, each of these authors has proposed their essential names, establishing a free chain of elections that has resulted in a final list chosen by the entire creative community that was part of this movement in its beginnings.

Aware that the authentic experience of urban art is in the public spaces, a staging has been chosen that allows the experience of urban art to be lived through spectacular reproductions, documentation and technology. The visitor has the possibility to walk freely through four territories that work both thematically and chronologically:

1. EL CALLEJÓN (the street)

The origins, the relationship with the Graffiti, the Icons and the Street Art.


Commissioned contemporary muralism, presented from life-size reproductions of iconic walls.

3. SIN PERMISO (without permission)

Free interventions in the public space, recreated with fetishes and video documentation.

4.TELEPRESENCIA (telepresence)

Urban art on the Internet and its expansion in social networks

The tour is completed with an ANTESALA that poses the break with traditional painting and the conflictive relationship with contemporary art, and with a TIME LINE where the complexity of a living and boiling creative phenomenon, open to infinite ramifications, is visualized.

Kenor Arte Urbano...? La ciudad como escenario show madrid 2020 kenor
Kenor Arte Urbano...? La ciudad como escenario show madrid 2020 kenor
Kenor Arte Urbano...? La ciudad como escenario show madrid 2020 kenor
Kenor Arte Urbano...? La ciudad como escenario show madrid 2020 kenor
Kenor Arte Urbano...? La ciudad como escenario show madrid 2020 kenor
Kenor Arte Urbano...? La ciudad como escenario show madrid 2020 kenor
Kenor Arte Urbano...? La ciudad como escenario show madrid 2020 kenor
kenor Arte Urbano...? kenor madrid 2020
Kenor Arte Urbano...? La ciudad como escenario show madrid 2020 kenor
Kenor Arte Urbano...? La ciudad como escenario show madrid 2020 kenor
Kenor Arte Urbano...? La ciudad como escenario show madrid 2020 kenor
pez Aete Urbano...? kenor madrid 2020
Arte Urbano...? kenor madrid 2020
Earlier Event: February 13
101 Exhibition Adda Gallery Paris
Later Event: February 26
Art Madrid 2020